Announcing Starkey China

Starkey ChinaStarkey International has reached agreements with China’s largest household service organization, China Home Services Association, and Gaoyang Vocational Education Development Center which is working with top universities to provide Starkey education and curriculum throughout China. This would allow Starkey International to engage in the training and education of Chinese household service professionals through mutual cooperation. Gaoyang center was established in 2003 and was one of the earliest entities that helped introduce international programs into China.

These efforts were made possible by Starkey International and Gaoyang’s vision for quality service in China. Working with Starkey, Gaoyang will be launching training programs for Butlers, Housekeepers and other related household service specialties by mid 2013.




Starkey China Starkey China Starkey China Starkey ChinaStarkey China
For more information, please contact Starkey International.

Announcing Starkey China

Starkey ChinaStarkey International has reached agreements with China’s largest household service organization, China Home Services Association, and Gaoyang Vocational Education Development Center which is working with top universities to provide Starkey education and curriculum throughout China. This would allow Starkey International to engage in the training and education of Chinese household service professionals through mutual cooperation. Gaoyang center was established in 2003 and was one of the earliest entities that helped introduce international programs into China.

These efforts were made possible by Starkey International and Gaoyang’s vision for quality service in China. Working with Starkey, Gaoyang will be launching training programs for Butlers, Housekeepers and other related household service specialties by mid 2013.




Starkey China Starkey China Starkey China Starkey ChinaStarkey China
For more information, please contact Starkey International.

Placement Update

Starkey Certified Household ManagersThe Starkey International Institute has a rich lineage in the private service industry. In fact Starkey invented, coined, and began utilizing the majority of terminology that has spread all across the entire private service world.

This is why we sometime struggle with the title Placement Department at Starkey International. This department’s title has connotations to an employment agency, simply matching employers to employees. Maybe we should change the department within Starkey to the Mosaic Department.  A mosaic is a breath-taking piece of art or decoration in composition, yet being made up of diverse elements. Starkey Certified Household Manager Alumni are the amazing colored pieces glass inlaid to become part of an astonishing whole.

Placement Update

Certified ManagersLast week was very exciting for us in the Placement Department. We began on a path of discovery that examined our dedication to Starkey’s applicants,  as they become graduates.

Our question was how to better support future students through the admissions process and into the placement phase.  This led to a new “Education First” process. Launching this program has galvanized admissions and placement departments.  This means that an applicant, thinking about enrolling at Starkey International, will have access to the placement department to ask any questions, outline the process, and begin a relationship with placement from their very first steps.

We are excited about this new project. Both the Admissions Department and the Placement Department are looking forward to hearing feedback from applicants, students, and Certified Household Manager graduates.