Service Management Tools That Assess Your Service Needs and Customize Service for You

It has been Starkey International’s 39-year mission to develop a world-recognized service profession in which service is viewed as an art form with its own career path and is seen as an expertise. Starkey International has demonstrated its vision by positioning Starkey services and products to uniquely serve the growing luxury marketplace. Starkey International has made meeting the expectations of the luxury employer its first objective.

In response to employers’ requests for a Superior Household Management Service Plan in 1994, Starkey International developed a unique Service Management System for identifying and managing Private Service Expectations. The typical training for household service provided only basic technical skills. We go much deeper than that.

A Letter from the 2009 Household Manager of the Year

A week later and my head is still in the clouds being named “2009 Household Manager of the Year”. I so appreciate all the e-mails and notes I have received. This years RTA was such an incredible group of professionals and more than any previous year we really had the chance to get to know one another.

I realize by your feedback that with this award comes responsibility. I am not at the top of my game, this profession is always evolving which is one reason I feel we stay stimulated in our positions. I promise to earn this award and live up to receiving it. (more…)